Internet Multimillionaire Howard L Moreland went crazy today!
Released on = January 19, 2006, 7:48 am
Press Release Author = mnmc super free ads
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = No kidding.
Howard ordered me to make a NEW change to our 2-tier Affiliate Program whereby we now are going to pay YOU 400% commissions just for being in our daily TOP 5\'s.
This is really insane!
Do you know what this means?
Press Release Body = It means that whereas before if you sold say 10 copies of \'My SUPER Free Ads Secret\' where you would have made $48.50 per sale on Level 1, NOW you will make a WHOPPING $194 per sale, or $1,940!
And just for being in our daily TOP 5\'s.
You can check out everything for free: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It\'s important that you realize that although this is quite unprecedented (as we are the ONLY affiliate program bold enough to payout this way) we actually have NO PROBLEM paying you this way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It\'s actually quite easy for us to pay you like this -- it\'s just you must admit Howard has really done something that nobody else has ever done on the entire Internet (but then again, that\'s just Howard for you).
If you recall, Howard L Moreland is the guy that started just a short while back and in record time went from just $174 invested in his first website, to making now more than $6.3 million a year online!
It took Howard just months whereas most Internet Multimillionaires made their fortunes over many years.
For instance: the late, great Corey Rudl who started IMC and made millions over a 10 year period -- or Yanik Silver who has over 30,000 affiliates after about 5 years, whereas we\'ve already gotten 10,000\'s of affiliates in just weeks with our NEW 2-tier affiliate program!
Not even the likes of Yanik or Corey ever did anything like Howard paying YOU 400% commissions! (IMC pays perhaps an extra $20 on sales of its Internet Marketing Course \"if\" you are ever lucky enough to qualify!)
No, Howard is far, far bolder than anyone else on the entire Internet -- and he can certainly afford to be!
So, if you want to learn more and take advantage of all this, then all you need to do is join FREE at:
That\'s it!
Howard makes it easy, and you\'ll discover as soon as you\'re inside our Exclusive Super Affiliate Resource Center exactly how YOU too can be earning upwards of 400% in big, thick commissions FAST!
Yes! We have Videos to tell you more
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